Workshops provide landowners the necessary tools to develop a pasture management plan for their property. Whether you have 2 acres or 200, one horse or many, sustainable pasture management can help reduce costs, increase forage, control weeds, and improve animal health.

Consultations are tailored to the individual needs & concerns of each client.

With a background in design and experience with small acreages, I provide functional and creative solutions while considering the needs of animals and their impacts on the ecosystem. Thoughtful design and placement of infrastructure help protect natural resources, add value, and save time and money in the long run.

J. Kack
We own/care take about 360 acres of property and since 1976 have worked to become good stewards of the land…I am most happy to report that both Jeff and I were thoroughly impressed with your knowledge, as well as your enthusiasm and subsequent written report, for improving our situation. Today we are in the process of planning a 3-5 year program of achieving our goals for the property ... most of which is based upon your observations, assessments and recommendations. Count us as "very satisfied customers"... and sincerely, THANK YOU!

P. Knoll
I want you to know as a professor of 7 years who has won many teaching excellence awards, you are very good at what you do with these classes...you have energy, you love your job and the passion shows. Thanks for making these classes enjoyable and thanks for taking the lead in this critical matter. Thanks again for your enthusiasm and knowledge.

R. White
As newcomers to the area, we were delighted to learn there was a pasture management class available. The class was perfectly tailored to those of us with small acreage, and especially for those of us with horses. After completing the class we began to make plans for improvements in how we manage our small pasture area. We look forward to implementing the changes and being better caretakers of our property. It's exciting to know that we can control the quality of our pasture through proper management. Before we went to the class, we were completely in the dark…each session clicked and the lights came on. Thank you for the opportunity!

B. de Leiris
I loved this class! Your enthusiasm is certainly contagious, and the materials are great. I particularly love the fact that you take such a holistic view, managing so effectively to communicate that each of our parcels is part of a landscape and a system.

K. Weinacht
We have recently purchased 20 acres and had no idea of where we should start with weed control, rebuilding soil, and reestablishing native grasses. Your visit with us was great! You identified several weed problem areas on the property and offered several solutions to each. You equipped us with valuable information about eliminating the weed population while building good pasture ground. Your enthusiasm is contagious and refreshing. Your knowledge of plants is extensive and we would recommend this evaluation to anyone who has an acreage.